Saukville Gun Club Rules
Below are the club’s rules. Members and guests must abide by them at all times without exception. Failure to abide by the club’s rules may result in termination of club membership or may result in you being banned for participating in any club events or leagues. The club’s officers or event safety officers may, at their discretion, create and enforce additional safety rules as-needed. Our goal above all others is to keep everyone safe.
Range Hours
- Opens at 9am daily. Exceptions listed on our Calendar.
- Closed at sunset daily. Sunset time today is: 5:15 PM.
Firearm & Range Safety
- Treat all firearms as if they are loaded.
- Never point the gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.
- Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and you are ready to shoot.
- Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.
- No handling of firearms when someone is downrange.
- Firearms should be unloaded with action open when you are not shooting and always when someone is downrange.
- Muzzle must always be pointed downrange. 170 degree rule.
- Use ear and eye protection at all times.
- No alcohol allowed on range.
Guest Policy
- Only current members are allowed to bring guests. Guests must be approved by our membership officer in advance and a guest pass must be purchased in advance of the guest’s visit. Be prepared to show your card if asked.
General Rules
- No speeding on Bluegoose Road. The speed limit is 35 MPH.
- The maximum speed limit on the club’s property is 15 MPH. Please stay on the gravel roadways.
- No littering including on Bluegoose Road.
- Keep to designated areas. No walking through woods, playing on the berms or similar.
- Clean up cases, targets and other refuse when done. Please use the dumpster by the range.
- Please take your targets down off the boards when you are done shooting.
- Keep targets away from edges of boards to prevent damage to target stands and sticks.
- No tracer rounds, incendiary ammo or similar allowed on any range.
- No tannerite or similar is allowed.
- Suppressors & SBRs are permitted provided you can legally possess per ATF requirements.
- Do not park on the road by the range bays. Park in the parking lot.
- You may temporarily park by the bays for loading or unloading only.

Long (130+ Yard) Range Rules
- No rapid fire on the one long Rifle Range. Shots must be at least 1 second apart.
- Only shoot at paper targets on the boards.
- Placing target stands at other distances is not permitted.
- No targets on the ground at any distance.
- No shotgun ammo with multiple projectiles like bird shot, buck shot, etc.
- Slugs are permitted on this range.
- Full Auto is not permitted.
- No drawing from holsters on the long range.
- If you go downrange, you must take a cone and set it approximately10 yards downrange. Place behind firing line when range is open.
Short (40 yard) Range Rules
- Controlled rapid fire permitted in the two short 40 Yard bays. Shots MUST remain controlled at all times. The speed at which people can shoot and remain controlled varies based upon skill level of the shooter and other factors. Please understand your limitations and ensure above all else you are staying safe so we can keep this open policy for all members. Any members found being reckless putting themselves, others or the club in jeopardy can face membership suspension or termination.
- Multiple projectile ammo (bird shot, buckshot, etc.) is allowed on the two short bays.
- Drawing from a holster is permitted on the two short bays. Holster must be strong side or appendix. Chest, shoulder, cross-draw or similar holster types that have the muzzle in an unsafe direction are not permitted.
- Full Auto permitted on the two short bays so long as you can legally possess per ATF requirements.
- Action pistol practice (IDPA, USPSA, Steel Challenge & similar) are permitted however please be courteous of other members that would like to use the range.
- Steel targets are allowed for pistol calibers only (.22LR, 9mm, .45 and similar are okay. 5.56, .308, and similar are NOT okay)
- Steel Targets must deflect rounds into the ground.
- Steel must not be shot inside of 8 yards.
- Steel targets hanging on chains or found to be deflecting rounds in an unsafe directions are not permitted.
- Steel targets should be near backstop to help control any riccochets.