Dear Members,
Below is our August 2023 Newsletter containing important updated from our Board of Directors.
Table of Contents
August 2023 Newsletter From Our Board of Directors
Merchandise Trap Shoot – August 20th

Our club is hosting a Merchandise Trap shoot on Sunday, August 20th from 10am to 4pm.
It will be open to the public, so please bring all of your friends!
We will have the following shoot types:
- Follow the Leader
- Annie Oakley
- One Target per Post
The entry fee will be variable with a $4 minimum depending on the prize.
If you are interested in volunteering to help for this event, please email [email protected]
Please note, this date has been changed from the original date of August 19th to avoid conflict with Sauk Trail’s Todd Daane Memorial Shoot which is also on Saturday Auguest 19th. Todd Daane was a good friend of our club and we didn’t want to conflict with his Memorial Shoot. While we’d still love your participation at our Merchandise Shoot on 8/20, please also consider his Memorial Shoot on 8/19 at Sauk Trail.
Important update on our Rifle Range
We have unfortunate news about our rifle range. The land that our rifle range resides on was sold by the prior owners that we leased the land from. Unfortunately, we were not able to reach an agreement with the new land owner for continued use whether to lease or to purchase the range. The new land owner has permitted our continued use of the range until November 17th, 2023.
We are currently working on building a new rifle range near the Roger Cross Action Shooting bays as well as an improved access road to that range. More communication will come out regarding this in the future. It is our hope to minimize, or avoid alltogether, any duration without a rifle range as we realize the importance of this to all club members.
Please note: Anyone (member or otherwise) using the rifle range without permission from the new owner after 11/17/2023 will be trespassing on private property and subject to the laws and penalties governing our state under the sole discretion of the new land owner. We will post signs when the time is appropriate.
As stated above, more communication will be coming regarding this in the coming months.
2023 Disabled Veteran Rifle Shoot
Our 2023 Disabled Veteran Rifle Shoot was a huge success. We hosted over 10 veterans and provided them with firearms, ammo, a steak and corn lunch with lots of great desert choices and t-shirts. It was a beautiful day with lots of smiles and laughs had by all. This year the big calibers got a lot of attention. The M1, 1919, 45-70 Lever, 300 Win Mag, AR-10 and 500 S&W got a lot of use.
This event wouldn’t be possible without all of the support from our Saukville Gun Club Memberships, as well as donations and support from Lickteig Chiropractic, Second Brigade M.C., J&H Heating, Sherri Melichar, Nick Spady & Family, John & Bev Welke, WI Vietnam Vets CH 1, VFW Post 5373, Normag Gunsmithing, Milwaukee VA Hospital, Thomas Fasanello, Kelly Einbeck, Milwaukee Police Officers Conservation & Sportsman Club.
If you are interested in donating to support next year’s event or buying this year’s T-Shirt, please use the below links.

Sons of SRPC Shirts are back!
Back by popular demand is our Sons of SRPC Shirts. Order yours today!

Fall Trap League
Our Wednesday night Fall Trap League will begin on 9/6 and conclude on 10/25. We will have standard 16 yard, doubles and hunt & cover wobble. Teams will be 2-person. 5-Stand will also be open during this time.
Sign up for the fall league will be available in the clubhouse.
Fall Hunter Safety Class
Our fall Hunter Safety class begins on September 12, 2023. It is Tuesday & Thursday until September 28 starting at 6pm. The field day is Saturday Sepember 23rd.
To sign up or for questions please contact [email protected].
Indoor Bullseye Pistol Shooting & League
Indoor Bullseye Pistol shooting will begin on October 10th, 2023. Targets are provided and are at 21′ and 50′. All non-magnum pistol calbers are welcome from pistols or rifles. Magnum pistol calibers (.38, .357, .44, etc) are permitted so long as ammo is non-jacketed and using target loads (see range officer for any questions).
Our bullseye leage will start in December and go through March. Divisions will be rimfire pistol irons, rimfire rifle, centerfire pistol irons and open pistol. League signup will be available in late November. Any questions inquire within.
We will be open:
Tuesday 9am – 11am
Tuesday 6:30pm – 9pm
Thursday 6:30pm – 9pm
Please check the calendar for any current schedule or any closures.
Action Pistol New Shooter League
Our first Action Pistol New Shooter League date is August 18th at 6pm and registration is now open. For more information on this, please see below in the New Action Shooter League section.
Registration Link:
Volunteer / Working Member Opportunities
We have a need for the following opportunities:
- Painting Trap Field Yardage Markers
- Painting / Repairing Skeet House Siding
- Painting Light Poles in Parking Lot
Please email [email protected] if you are interested in helping with any of these tasks.
Requesting Google Reviews
Please take a minute to leave us a Google Review to enhance our rankings and improve our membership & activity participation.
Rifle Range
Range Closure Dates
As a reminder, our Rifle Range will be closed Tuesday & Thursday evenings beginning 6:30pm when our trap leagues start on 04/04/2023. The range will be closed every Tuesday & Thursday evening until August 24th, 2023 except July 4th & July 6th.
Our Rifle Range will also be closed on the following dates:
- August 20, 2023 from 10:00am – 5:00pm for our Merchandise Trap Shoot
- September 9, 2023 from 10:00am – 5:00pm for our Pig Roast Trap Shoot
- November 4, 5, 11, & 12, 2023from 9:00am – 4:00pm for our Rifle Sight In
- November 18 & beyond. Perminantly closed. More info coming soon on new range.
It is always beneficial to check our calendar for any closures as well which you can see at
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.
Guest Pass for Rifle/Pistol Range
Members are allowed to bring guests to the rifle range. The guest pass is good for the entire day of the request and the cost is $10 per guest. The host-member must be present on the range with the guest.
To bring a guest you must first obtain approval and then purchase one Guest Pass per guest. Approvals are required so we can monitor the volume of guests to help ensure our regular members are not crowded off the rifle range.
Approvals require that you provide your membership number, guest quantity and date of guest attendance.
- Approvals can be secured by calling or texting (preferred) Darrell Brown at 262-707-1472 or by email at [email protected]
- Guest passes can be purchased online at
IMPORTANT! The host-member is responsible for guest behavior, particularly as it relates to range safety. Guest behavior is applied to the member-host as if they committed the infraction. Please review club rules with your guest before going to the range. Note that the “No rapid fire on the Rifle / Pistol Range. Shots must be at least 1 second apart..” rule continues to be the most popular violation of club rules. Club rules can be found at
Clay Shooting
Where to find date & time of clays activities?
All Clays events are posted on the club calendar at
Summer Trap Team Leagues
Summer Team Trap Leagues started on April 4th (Tuesday Night) and April 6th (Thursday Night).
If you have any questions, please reach out to your trap team captain or email [email protected]
Singles Trap
Singles trap league for the summer months. You can get your scores in on any night of open shooting (Sunday, Monday & Wednesday). Open shooting will begin in March and the league will consist of 16 scores.
Contact Dan Branski or email [email protected]
Summer Skeet League
Skeet League teams are now established. There are twelve two-person teams. The league starts on May 3rd and will run through August 23rd.
Email here for more information: [email protected]
Wednesday AM Skeet Practice
Also known as retired-person skeet. This is run year round but is weather permitting.
Wednesdays from 9:00am – 11:00am
Please arrive before 10:30am in order to finish shooting by 11am.
Please check our calendar at for latest dates and hours.
5-Stand dates for the summer are Aug 13 & Aug 27 which are all from 12:30 to 4:00pm.
Please check our calendar at for future dates and hours.
Open Clay Shooting
Begins Sunday March 19 (not open Wednesday March 22)
Sunday: 12:30pm – 4:00pm Trap, Skeet, (5-Stand on select Sundays)
Monday: 6:30pm – 9:00pm Trap, Skeet
Wednesday: 9:00am – 11:00am Skeet
Wednesday: 6:30pm – 9:30pm Trap & Skeet (Skeet until May)
Please check our calendar at for latest dates and hours.
Practical Shooting
What is Practical Shooting?
Practical shooting, also known as action shooting, is a set of shooting sports where the competitors unite the principles of precision and speed.
Where to find dates & times of Practical Shooting Events?
All Practical Shooting events are posted on the club calendar at and on
You can also join our Facebook Group at:
New Action Shooter League
These sessions are intended for new shooters interested in learning the skills needed to participate in Action Pistol (IDPA or USPSA) or to learn basic pistol handling/shooting skills. These events are not scored. Participants will do drills and shoot simple stages to learn what to expect at actual matches or to learn and/or improve their basic gun handling skills and marksmanship.
Dates are 8/18 & 9/15.
You can view our schedule and register on
For more information contact [email protected]
Action Pistol Open Practice
We will start having action pistol practice sessions for club members only on the Roger Cross Action Shooting Range Tuesday evening from 4:30pm to 7:00pm starting May 2nd. All safety rules from IDPA / USPSA will apply. The bays will be available for practice, but the club will not be doing any setup or teardown; members participating will be fully responsible setup / teardown. Target stands etc will be available for use and targets (limited availability) will be available to purchase for $2 each. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].Any updates or cancellations will be posted on our Facebook group, “Saukville Action Pistol Sports”. Please follow this group.
We will be hosting monthly IDPA matches on the first Saturday of the month starting in Spring. The next match will be on September 2nd.
You can view our match schedule and register on
For more information contact [email protected]
This will be our first full year of hosting USPSA matches. Matches will be held on the Sundays following our Saturday IDPA matches. The next match will be on September 3rd.
You can view our match schedule and register on
For more information contact [email protected]
Steel Challenge
We will be hosting monthly Steel Challenge matches, typically on the fourth Saturday of the month. The matches are in association with the Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA). The next match will be on August 26th..
You can view our match schedule and register on
For more information contact [email protected]
Working Membership
As in previous years, our working membership requires an 8 hour work commitment for the current membership year.
Thank you to the members that are participating in the working member program. It has helped the club save on expenses and provided some relief to other members that have contributed a lot over the years to “keep the lights on” with all the activities we run.
New Working Member Listing Site
For the 2023 – 2024 membership working member cycle, we have a new working member site. We’ll port over any signup spots from prior to the move to our new system shortly.
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.
NEW!!! – Saukville Gun Club Hats

A Girl & A Gun
Were you aware Saukville Rifle & Pistol Club proudly hosts a chapter of A Girl & A Gun?
A Girl & A Gun Women’s Shooting League is a ladies-only organization established by women shooters for women pistol, rifle, and shotgun shooters! The league is designed to take beginners to whatever skill level they wish to achieve and provide experienced shooters with more opportunities. The objective of some is to improve their skill levels for self-defense and competitive shooting. Others also are interested in learning how to choose the right guns, gear, and accessories for long-term participation in the community.
Thank you for reading,
Saukville Gun Club